Practical information to organize the trip with details about the best period to go, necessary documents, how to get around and much more.
Bolivia is large and the climate depends on the area you want to visit. Broadly speaking, the territory can be divided into three macro "climate areas":
The Northern Region (forest) is characterized by a hot-humid climate.
The Central Eastern Region (savanna) has a cooler and drier climate.
The Central Western Region (Andes) is much sunniest.
Based on your needs we advise you to find out about the chosen destination. Generally speaking, Bolivia can be visited all year round.
Bolivia is located in the southern hemisphere and this means that its seasons are reversed compared to ours. In the southern area, in winter (May-October), the season is drier while in the northern area the summer season (November-April) is characterized by frequent rains and high humidity. Therefore, in Bolivia there are different climatic varieties. The period from May to October is the best as rainfall is scarce, humidity is very low and the days are very pleasant. The summer period, however, is characterized by temperatures that are not too high and there is a lot of humidity and rain. In addition to this there is also the possibility of being uncomfortable, due to mud, along the roads due to heavy rains.
Per ulteriori informazioni al riguardo vi consigliamo di consultare il sito della
To enter Bolivia it is necessary to have an Electronic Passport with a residual validity of at least 6 months. In Italy this type of passport was introduced in 2006 and is recognizable thanks to the chip symbol at the bottom of the cover. In accordance with the Visa Waiver Program, Italian citizens, and those of more than thirty nations, who intend to travel to Bolivia for a period not exceeding 90 days do not require a Visa but must complete a "Tourist Card" online.
For further information on this matter, we recommend that you consult the Italian company website of Farnesina.
The currency in Bolivia is the Boliviano. It is advisable to bring US dollars with you as they are more easily accepted than Euros in 'casas de exchange'. Credit cards are accepted practically everywhere but we advise you to withdraw or exchange some cash for any small needs (or for tips, see below). We have not encountered any problems even with the use of prepaid cards from the VisaElectron circuit. The only precaution we recommend is to inquire at the bank about the possibility of using your ATM abroad.
Tipping in Bolivia is not obligatory but recommended especially in restaurants, to guides or drivers. Sometimes the service is already included in the bill.
Bolivia is a generally safe country. But we give you some precautions to keep in mind. We advise you to be careful in the capital (La Paz) especially if you are outside the tourist areas. It is strongly recommended to walk in crowded places and never retreat into little visible streets. Avoid traveling by extra-urban means as there are frequent accidents caused by the poor condition of the road network, the lack of controls and failure to comply with traffic regulations.
Watch the Official Video here • Bolivia
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